Tuesday, October 24, 2006


some pics of our rabbit,max. i bought him for ruths b-day, now the house smells of rabbit piss...great!!!scans arnt that clear cus the scanner doesnt pick up most pencil marks!


rats78 said...

yo the boyd....

nice stuff, keep it up.

i've tried adding you to my links but its not showing up for some reason.

will keep trying

Boyd's blog! said...

yo the brincat! cheers dude, finally got it started!

Steve M said...

Alright Mr Boyd :)

Steve M here :)

There's a fair gathering of familiar faces on this Blog site so I thought I'd join in and abandon my old blog.

I've moved to RTW up in Dundee now. keeps me busy.

Anyway, Off to visit Mr Burt, Mr Brincat and Mr Clark next :)